
Responsive Website Design - Graphics - Search Engine Optimisation - Photography - Copywriting

Bell Cottage

Website Design

Creative design and technical excellence are the keys to the effectiveness and success of your site. These qualities will ensure that your message is delivered with clarity and precision to your target audience. From my experience over the years and through the completion of numerous projects for a diverse range of clients, I have learned what is required to deliver a project successfully and to then maximise its return once implemented.

I understand the importance of creating a contemporary and professional image for your site whilst at the same time ensuring that it is easy and intuitive to use. The overall aim is to take the time to work with you to achieve a good understanding of your business and to then design a website which refects and promotes your business in an effective manner.

Working with you to create a website which is great to look at, easy to use and which will generate sales for your business.

Responsive Design

In the past few years, there has been a sea change in the way people view, use and interact with websites. This has mainly been brought about by the proliferation and mass takeup of smartphones and tablets. Another factor is the increasing speed of user's internet connections, ranging from fibre broadband connections to 4G mobile connections. The proliferation and ubiquity of mobile devices with fast connections means that many users will view your website, at least initially, on their phone or tablet, rather than on a laptop or desktop computer. It is therefore very important that your website functions just as well on an iPhone as it does on a laptop. This is where responsive website design comes into the picture.

The essence of responsive design is that the website should automatically and seamlessly adjust to suit the device you are using to view the site. This seamless adjustment will encompass the look, layout and functionality of the website. The end result is that the site will look good on both a desktop computer and an iPhone and will also function equally well on both devices.

Responsive design encompasses all aspects of the website. Photos will adjust to suit the different devices. The layout and text will adjust so that they are usable and readable on the different devices. The navigation menu will also change from a traditional list on a desktop to a touch compatible layout on an iPhone.

Responsive design ensures that your website will look just as good and work just as well on an iPhone as it does on a desktop or laptop computer.

Responsive Design

Graphic Design

Logos, graphics and colour schemes are very important in providing an immediate impression of your business. A clean, intuitive design combined with quality graphics will create a strong brand image on your website and encourage website visitors to look further into what you have to offer.

I have experience in designing logos, graphics and colour schemes for clients web sites. In addition to logos, I also have experience in print design including business cards, magazine adverts and promotional flyers. I am also happy to work with any existing logos and colour schemes.

Graphic Design


A picture is worth a thousand words is a very well known idiom. It refers to the notion that a photograph is a much more effective and immediate way of creating an impression or conveying meaning than a large screed of text. This is particularly important on a website where the attention span of visitors to the site can be as short as ten seconds. If the site does not capture the attention of the visitor then they may well click on to the next site.

Therefore, creating a strong and immediate impression of your business through the use of quality photography is extremely important. For instance, I work with a number of local Guest Houses and the use of top quality photos to show their premises in the best possible light is of crucial importance to the business.

As a keen photographer, I can provide clients with a range of top quality photos to illustrate their websites. The photos can also then be used in other marketing channels and for use in printed material such as adverts and business cards. I also have a range of stock photos taken in and around the Falmouth area which further enhance my clients web sites.

The Westcott

Search Engine Optimisation

There are a number of factors involved in achieving a high placement on both Google and the other main search engines for the key phrases which best describe your business. These are the phrases which are most relevant to your business and which will attract the best quality leads to your business. Everything from the structure of the site to the quality of the coding, together with the text content of the various pages is of relevance in achieving a good result. All of the web sites I build are designed to be both standards compliant and as search engine friendly as possible.

I will work with you to discuss the search phrases most relevant to the successful promotion of your business and then optimise the site based on this information. I have achieved some considerable success with high placements for some very competitive search phrases.

Search Engine Optimisation


Research has shown that the attention span of visitors to your web site may be as short as ten seconds. You have only this space of time in which to grab their attention and encourage them to look further into what your business has to offer. It is therefore very important that the text content on your site is clear, brief and immediate. This text content needs to be coupled with quality photos and graphics together with a clean and intuitive layout.

Experience has shown that one of the biggest hurdles for many businesses when embarking upon a web design project is marshalling and organising all the content. Logos and images are not normally a major problem, however producing text content can be problematic both in terms of time and deciding what to include.

I will take the time and trouble to understand your business and have considerable experience in producing clean, succinct narrative content that conveys your business message in an effective manner. I am are happy to work with clients on copy production. Alternatively, you can simply provide all the information you think may be relevant and I will sort it all out and produce the content.